We are all too familiar with accidents being caused by drunk driving. Drugged driving accidents, however, are another growing problem. Drugged driving is driving while under the influence of illegal drugs or unhealthy amounts of prescription/over-the-counter drugs. 10.3 million people on the roadways have admitted to driving under the influence of some drug. Back in 2012, a driver in Gwinnett County was driving under the influence of a sedative and caused an accident. Other drivers in the accident suffered serious injuries, and the drugged driver was forced to serve jail time.
Drugs have similar effects as alcohol on driving abilities. Drivers lose their general attention to the roadway and the ability to react quickly. Gwinnett County has many busy roadways. It is important for a driver to be attentive and focused on their commute. Gwinnett County has one of the largest populations in Northeast Georgia, and drivers may have a higher risk of potentially being involved in drugged driving accidents.
Our firm has handled many cases of people seriously injured in drugged driving accidents. If you have been involved in a drugged driving accident, please contact our firm so we can discuss your case and best help you. Too often people do not pursue a claim and no action is taken against the driver. The driver is allowed to continue their reckless behavior without any real consequence. This could potentially endanger other drivers by causing another drugged driving accident.
As a leading personal injury law firm in Gwinnett County, we know the importance of keeping our roadways safe. We want to make sure drivers that cause drugged driving accidents are punished properly – with higher insurance premiums. Since many drugged drivers can escape criminal prosecution by paying a small fine, significant insurance settlements are often the best remedy for stopping the dangerous behavior. Call our firm so we can discuss your claim. We appreciate you doing your part in making roadways in Gwinnett County safer after drugged driving accidents.